Recovering Apostate

Hey guys, My story is a little bit different than yours because I was not raised in the Independent Baptist circle. I was raised in an SBC church in Statesville, NC where my dad led the music and taught Sunday School, mom taught SS also and sang the most beautiful...

Peanut butter is a Sin

I am in my 4th year of church revitalization in the church I grew up in actually. God gave me a burden for the area I grew up in and gave me a unique platform through the church to gave me the foundation of my spiritual roots. However, I would become the 3 pastor in 5...

Born again Christian

Hi, I ran across this website online and it really was sad to see this. My dad was and is the cleanest/straightest Christian I know, raised me the way the Bible led him to do. He didn’t get saved until he was 25. Before God dealt with him and showed him he was a...

My journey out of a IFB cult

Let me apologize up front for this being long but my journey was long. I will try to get it down to the “readers digest” version as best I can. First off, let me say, I cannot look back on my life in the IFB and completely regret it because I accepted...