Hello, my name is Dawson I’m 19 and if you’ll allow for just a few moments I would like to share my testimony along with my trial. I was born into a Pentecostal Holiness movement. Growing up I saw things that were legalistic, much like many of your stories. I found myself struggling with some of these same ideas still to this day. These legalistic rules or ideas, were majoring in the minors and minoring in the majors. Things such as pants on women, wedding rings, jewelry, cutting hair, and many more. Growing up this way, I still find myself struggling with these extra biblical ideas. My family began to notice how the church people would speak on one thing and live another. They decided about 11 years ago to branch out, or leave the movement. Since leaving the movement I have been called to preach, along with following the call to preach, and going to a Bible school in Missouri. I don’t believe it was by accident that God has called me for such a time as this. I thank you, for your testimony along with your insight on how to move past these legalistic ideas. As a young aspiring minister, I don’t ever want to preach what I like, but what I know God loves. I want to be the bridge between heaven and hell for the sinner. Thank you all for your encouragement and insight on how to overcome the legalistic ideas. I believe through this podcast, we will not only see people recover from fundamental legalistic ideas, but I also believe that we will see a recovery of souls that are bitter, broken, and bruised. Keep doing what you’re doing, keep allowing the Lord to use it, and I believe that the best is yet to come.
P. S. I would love to get in contact with y’all and gleam from some of your wisdom, I’m a young whippersnapper and would greatly appreciate fellowship from you three great men of God.
Hey there young Preacher! Yes, I called you “PREACHER”!! If you are called by Almighty God to preach, then YOU ARE A PREACHER! Go out there and win souls for the Kingdom of Heaven! Do not ever let anyone, or anything hinder you or cause you to doubt your calling! I too have been involved in the Hyles/Anderson section of FundaMENTALISM for years. Along with the Sword of the Lord crowd, I was always brushed aside when I mentioned that I was called to preach, because of events that happened in my life after my ordination and also frankly because I don’t look the part for their production. So, I’m telling you from experience preacher, you trust in the Lord completely, study His word and fuel the fire within you. Come out like a roaring lion and do the work of an evangelist! Knock down the gates of Hell and flood Heaven with new souls, saved by Jesus’ grace alone!! God bless you young man!! I hope to hear more about you in years to come!!!
Rev. Kenneth D. Adair II