Listener Stories
Welcome to our story archive wher you can read through actual stories submitted by actual listeners. Some stories have been edited at the listener’s request to remove identifying information. Feel free to leave a comment on any of the stories you read here.
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Stories From Our Listeners:
Click on a story below to read the entire story.
A call to missions but not IFB missions
I was raised in a heavily IFB church/school with a pastor that is very well know IFB pastor/singer who I won’t mention because y’all Temple guys will know exactly who I’m talking about and I do not want to slander him or his congregation. My wife and I are currently...
More Independent than the Independents
Hi, I am already recovered, Growing up in a church that hosted a camp-meeting every year in Indianapolis, I wanted to be the big evangelist for notoriety only. I received my opportunity as a teenager to preach one of the morning sermons every year. That opened...
Deserted by the IFB
Hello guys! My name is Kirk. My wife's name is Kathy. We have 5 children. I met you at the Idea conference. I did not know that you existed, but I thank God that He has allowed our paths to cross. I not only thank God that I can share my story, but I feel it will be a...
Thankful for where I am now
Dear RFP family, I am thankful that I was raised in a Christian home. My "fundamentalist" journey began when I was 8 years old. My family started attending a church that held Dr. Jack Hyles in such high regard. My parents captained a bus route. My sister and I...
Recovering from Performance-Based Christianity
The RFP came into my life, like all things God does, right on time. Brian, Nate and JC have become consistent voices for me through the podcast and I will always appreciate their honesty, their heart for Christ, and their approach to these issues. I also thank them...
Thank you.
Hi! (Please don’t use my name.) junping straight into this to avoid rabbit trails like any good IFB pastor lol but I do have to start out with how much I relate to you guys. A fellow friend/pastors daughter recommended this podcast to me and I have never felt more at...
IFB Church
I was raised in a Christian home by godly parents who taught me about Jesus from a young age. I was saved at the age of 4 and surrendered my life to preach at the age of 14. I worked in the bus route and taught jr church from that point on. I didn’t notice anything...
I am a true recovering fundamentalist
Hello RFP, I absolutely love the podcast. I wanted to share my story seeing I actually have a connection with Brian Edwards (but he probably does not remember me). I was saved in a true Independent Fundamentalist Baptist church. (Other than the name, which they had...
The Mission
I have been hurt as many of you have by what you call fundamentalism. But I am working through it. I guess you could say I am recovering. For a long time it festered in me and caused bitterness. I won’t lie... there still some healing to be done in me. But I took a...
Thank you so much!
Thank you guys so much for what you do! You really are doing God’s work here on RFP. I just found the podcast about a month ago and I have been listening to every episode I can get my hands on. Your show was exactly what I needed. I was born in IFB, a “PK” from birth,...