Recovering Fundamentalist: a life-long journey.

Hey there, I’m Teylor, and I’m a recovering fundamentalist. I’ve only listened to the first two podcasts and already felt compelled to write to you and thank you for your message. I wanted to share my story here because, like you said, there’s...

Former Youth Pastor

Hello gentlemen, first of all I wanted to say I found out about your podcast by seeing someone wearing one of your t-shirts.  As a “trying to recover from IFBer” I immediately went to your podcast and started listening. I have listened to a few podcasts (both Phil...

The struggle is real

While the emotions are overwhelming, I have found a great deal of help and support through your podcast.   My name is Bill and I was raised in an independent fundamental Baptist home. My church attendance started two weeks after I was born, and I could probably...

Helped and Encouraged, Much Appreciated

Brian, JC and Nathan, I have been listening to the podcast since around the time  of the interview with Phil Kidd.  I think I discovered it through a post from him on social media. After listening to that interview I listened to the previous episodes and every episode...

Sharing my story!

I have been crying listening to your podcasts – I feel like I’ve found my “people”. I thought I was one of the only ones that felt this way! Thank you for what you do. I wanted to share one of the most impactful things that happened to me in the IFB church as a...

Living in the IFB with a porn addiction

First I love your podcast.  I was wondering if  you guys ever thought about talking on the subject of sex and porn addiction issues in the IFB church. I grew up in the IFB churches. I am thankful for them for sharing the gospel to my parents so they could know Christ...