Creeping into legalism

This concerns more of what has happened with my daughter and how our church decides to discipline those who do not abide by their rules, which really have become a double standard depending on your name and/or monetary standing within the church.  I’ve found...

Damage done

I grew up in a Christian home and raised by awesome parents and went to church every Sunday. Started going to church camp during middle school there you saw preaching and the alter calling. Girls and boys and separate swim times and dress codes, but more saw the...

What Got Me Here

Hi JC, Brain, and Nathan. I would love to share my story with you guys and others. I grew up in an Independent, Fundamentalist, legalistic, Baptist, KJV only, no drums allowed, bass can’t be too loud, no contemporary song singing, only skirt/dress/button up wearing,...

Legalism and Youth Ministries

I grew up in the IFB community. For the longest time I have struggled with accepting God’s Grace. It was engrained in me that after salvation you must work to maintain and stay in His good graces; but that is not the case. I finally got into a good baptist church that...

Your teaching teens to ask questions !

My story is a familiar one. I was raised at Franklin Road Baptist Church. I grew up playing with friends at the Sword of the Lord. I was dyed in the wool fundamentalists my whole life. I was a preacher boy, a youth leader, and even preached for my church. The only...

Newly Recovering

Dear Nathan, JC, and Brian, I don’t know where to start because the last month has been a whirlwind for me… I’m a young adult woman who has been raised in the IFB my whole life. Growing up, I was taught separation and told how to live so I could stay “on fire for God”...