Hello. My name is John Baker. I am 55 years old and am a financial advisor and have been in the business world for almost 7 years. I was in vocational ministry for almost all of my adult life, ordained at 22 and serving in both church and parachurch ministries. 17 years were spent in Christian radio working for Billy Graham and 5 for a unit of the SBC. I felt led to leave vocational ministry.
Many of my childhood and youth years were spent in an IFB church. I was saved there and love many of the people in that church. Some of my family still attend there. I do not exaggerate when I tell you my parents were spent in honking of psychological help for me when they decided to get me out of there. I can tell you nightmare stories of fear, dread, guilt and manipulation. I can’t count how many times my mom pointed me to 1 John to give me assurance of salvation.
My spiritual life changed mightily when we started attending a solid SBC church. In a few weeks I learned to joy of being a Christian and the great fun and growth of a good youth group.
Unfortunately through the years I learned that many elements of IFB manipulation and sometimes wreck less handling of the word exist outside the IFB, including here in the south many SBC who can carry on the same elements.
I have a long, sometimes painful, but in the end positive story to tell. I don’t have time right now to tell it all (babysitting grandchildren!) but would love the opportunity to do so at some point and learn more from your experiences.
Thanks for all I’ve learned and the encouragement I’ve found since finding you.
God bless!
John Baker