My name is Melissa Guinn and Am more than happy to have my real name used. My story is somewhat different as I was raised in the IFB movement by my mother while at the same time having a father who for lack of a better word was agnostic. He occasionally came to church to keep us kids about pestering to come to church with us. My mother had been extremely abused as a child and the IFB church reinforced her poor self esteem that she had been taught. Being unable to break the cycle I became her target child for physical abuse because I was mouthy and often questioned. I was born in the 70’s and remember being taken to every revival and special service that was available. I believe the worst was being forced to watch “The Burning Hell” movie in church when I was five or six. I remember having my face buried in my aunt’s shoulder the entire time. As I grew older and into adulthood I began questioning more, particularly the treatment of women and the reasoning behind KJV only. Many services people would flock to the altar and cry and pray and I would stand there wondering what was wrong with me. Then when my youngest child started school, I decided to go back to school and did the unthinkable. The church we attended beloved of women worked it should only be through the school system. I did the unthinkable and became a social worker. Immediately upon earning my bachelor’s degree my husband lost his job. We talked and decided I was more marketable and that I would go to work and he would stay home with our children while attending nursing school at the same time. Within two months there were three sermons about our working situation. After the first one I told my husband it was aimed at us. He told me I was crazy and “acting like a liberal”😂 The second time he stated that maybe I was right and after the third one he decided we were not going back. (Remember in IFB the man decides). We spent the next nine months out of church and reluctantly went on Easter the next year because my nephews were being baptized. That was fourteen years ago and we are still at that same church. For the first time in my life I was able to see how God was loving and slow to anger. I became involved in missions and have been to Uganda. I was able to watch my children grow spiritually and obtain a relationship with God that I was never able to obtain them. They both were not only active in youth as they grew up, but my daughter became active in FCA leadership at Heritage Middle (JC you may remember her. She used to call you all of the time to speak at meetings. Shelby Guinn). I cannot tell you how freeing it is to be free of the bonds of legalism and realize there was nothing wrong with me! Since then, I have gotten my Master’s degree in Social Work and provide counseling to abused children and their parents who are often just as abused and never realized. Recently I have felt God moving me to add to my practice and am praying about providing counseling for those who are recovering from the abuses of legalism.  I related so much to the recent episode concerning women and IFB. I was practically screaming at my radio to please provide contacts for abuse shelters and service as one way to assist those who need to safely leave. My husband and I have never really talked with one another about how the IFB movement affected both of us. It has opened a new line of communication for us and we are able to recognize how the movement affected our marriage. My mother is still a member of the church we left. My father became a Christian after surviving stomach cancer. He is not a fan of the IFB movement but goes to satisfy my mother. He has said how much he enjoys visiting my church, but won’t because my mother refuses to join a church that isn’t KJV only. Sorry this is long but I relate to your show on so many levels. If I can ever be of any assistance to your listener I am more than happy to speak with them about obtaining help (I am not trying to drum up business. I would consult for free with anyone who needs and wants help getting out of this movement). I will forever be grateful to God for allowing my neighbor ,Alyssa Damron , to tell me about your show. Keep the shows coming! You are providing much needed healing for members of His kingdom.